RE: programs from xterm

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From: Alain Borel (
Date: Wed 01 Dec 1999 - 17:01:42 IST

On 01-Dec-99 wrote:
> Svgalib programs can't be run under X (for a user <> root, also with chmod
> u+s <binfilename>),
I'm surprised it so much as works for root (without screwing up the display
horribly, that is).
> In my case the security is not a problem, I just want only to run some
> svgalib programs in xtern (without every time [ctrl+alt+Fx] + login), so:
Yet that's what you need to do to run them using svgalib! This is not
a security problem, but rather a technical problem.
> how and which file should I change in the svgalib sources to do this
> possible?
If you want X, forget vanilla svgalib. Maybe you'll be more successful
than I was at using the svgalib wrapper of GGI.

Alain Borel <>     Year  2000: not the 21st century
Date: 01-Dec-99 Time: 15:57:57

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